Here I am again, it is still dark outside, but the motorbikes are already rattling through the alleys and the roosters have been crowing for hours - I think they are staying up all night...
Well, the flight from Panama to Honduras was - exciting. I could see the Ometepe, the volcano in Nicaragua from above, but I was a bit tense because I already know the famous Honduran landings in Tegucigalpa. It seems that the left wing scrapes off the roofs of the houses and then scores the asphalt of the runway. The pilot has to turn a 180 degree turn just before touchdown. Tegucigalpa's approach runway is one of the most demanding in the world, no large planes can land there, not every airline flies there and not every pilot can and may do so.

The Honduran capital is surrounded by high mountains and is also located on a many many little hills - there is virtually no straight long flat piece of land, so the runway is very short and is based in the middle of the city. Nothing for weak nerves. It was wild again and the brakes got hot.
But then, a warm welcome at the airport of Nina, Maya Selva's marketing director and the Sales Team France of Flor de Selva.
Arrived in Danlí and after the first night we started at 8 o'clock on the fields in the legendary Jamstran valley. At the moment it is raining heavily again and again, but we were prepared with rubber boots and raincoats.
First we visited the greenhouses for tobacco of Plasencia, they are located on the farm "La Vega". Again I was amazed how incredibly fast the workers are when piquing. Anyway: a gigantic farm where everything runs like clockwork.
Afterwards we went on to Santa Eulalia, the finca of Maya Selva. It is beautifully situated on gentle hills, surrounded by trees and in some places coffee is growing; on the 7 hectare farm Maya Selva grows beautiful Habanos and Connecticut tobacco. The land Maya has been farming since 2006 is a small paradise - idyllic and lovingly designed and maintained.

After being chased by one downpour after the other, we leave the Jamastran Valley again towards Danlí - and after a typical Honduran lunch we have a Flor de Selva No. 15 for our siesta. Fine!!!
