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Travel Diary

The bus trip - a great idea

Autorenbild: KatjaKatja

My day started with rain - but light warm drizzle in the darkness of Santiago today at 6:45 a.m.

I decided to use the staff bus, and although it takes almost 1.5 hours to get to the factory as it collects staff everywhere, the long trip was a good decision.

Because: I could see the most different areas of Santiago: Villas, tower buildings, well-kept cottages but also very poor huts.

Nobody was in a chatty mood - while I couldn't get enough of the different areas and trees and flowers, my companions slept another round.

Today I experienced a lot on the field and for the first time I really „worked“ and learned a lot.

But more about that tomorrow ( I am damn tired), today only two photos.

Lupe and me, having lunch in the cafeteria
Lupe and me, having lunch in the cafeteria

Lupe, a very nice lady, which helped me to pick the small tobacco plants and with which I had lunch in the cafeteria. Tomorrow she will bring me an avocado from her garden. An other day in (tobacco) paradise ...and I don’t have to think twice...


1 Comment

Simon Lundh
Simon Lundh
Feb 25, 2019

i can't wait to read more

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