Dear friends,
just a short but sweet hello and see you from the other side of the ocean from me, before I will leave Vienna tomorrow.
The suitcases are packed, the dog is already deeply offended..

I just want to give you a short overview of my wonderful tutorial at Tabadom.
JICOME (18.2.2019 - 22.2.2019)
My journey will start in the fields of Jicomé, where I will spend time with Manuel Peralta on the seeding, planting, harvesting and fermenting processes. Duration in Jicomé: 5 days.
VILLA GONZALEZ (25.2.2019 – 15.3.2019)
1. I will continue my journey in the sorting department (filler tobaccos), followed by the stripping department. Duration in sorting and stripping department: 2 days from February 25th to February 27th, 2019.
2. Sorting and handling of wrapper leaves. Duration: 2 days from February 28th to March 1st, 2019.
3. Now comes the aging process. I have the possibility to learn all the important steps and processes to cure/age the tobacco in the Davidoff way. Duration: 1 day on March 4th, 2019.
4. Preparation of filler tobaccos for the cigar rollers. Duration: 1 day on March 5th, 2019.
5. Galera: I (hopefully) will learn how to roll a cigar, quality requirements and blending. Duration: 5 days from March 6th to March 12th, 2019.
6. Color selection: 1 day on March 13th, 2019.
7. Ringing the cigars: 1 day on March 14th, 2019.
8. Confectioning department: 1 day on March 15th, 2019.
Sounds great, doesn't it?
